Monday, March 5, 2012

Pass or Fail: Prometheus and the Huntsman

Time to make snap judgments on two movies I haven't seen yet! Pass or Fail is turning its sights on Oscar winner Charlize Theron this week, because why not?

Pass: Prometheus

Say what you want, but I'm a sucker for the "Alien" series. I love each of them in their own right (yes, even 3 and Resurrection). Ridley Scott has said that this isn't exactly an "Alien" prequel, but it seems to have so much in common with the 1979 original, that I'm confused by this. If it is, or isn't, I don't care. This trailer is so great, it could be the prequel to "Thelma and Louise" and I would still probably want to see it 20 times. It shows so much, yet so little. It is the ultimate teaser trailer, complete with loud electronic noise to make you the slightest bit uneasy. 

Fail: Snow White and the Hunstman

When the most positive thing you can say about a trailer is, "At least it isn't 'Mirror, Mirror'", that trailer sucks. Did somebody forget to tell Charlize Theron that she doesn't have to movies like this anymore? After going ugly for "Monster", and getting some gold for it, it seems a waste to put her in Gothic retellings of fairy tales, sucking the souls from people. After Catherine Hardwicke tried this exact same thing with "Red Riding Hood" (minus the soul sucking... well, IN the movie) last year, and failing, I wouldn't think studios would be willing to go it again. Shows what I know. Throw in Thor (I am referring to the Avengers cast by character names. Do you think I'm a little excited?), and I'm starting to become disappointed in a lot of people for this trailer. At least "Mirror, Mirror" has midgets.

Extra Pass: Arrested Development: This was the best video of Charlize Theron playing Rita Leeds on Fox's cancelled, and brilliant, show "Arrested Development".

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