Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Pass or Fail: And "so-n-so" as themselves...

Celebrity cameos have been around forever. It's an easy way to make a few bucks, and not have to really do anything. You show up for a couple of hours, go by your real name, and disappear for the rest of the film. I'm not against this in any way. In fact, I love it most of the time. It's an easy joke, and celebrities often do a great at making fun of themselves in the process. Sometimes, I just don't get why you would even bother (Bill O' Reilly in Transformers 3? Really?). Here are two trailers that feature celebrities as themselves.

Pass: Think Like a Man

You probably watched this, and thought, "Why is this a pass?" The answer is simple: I love black comedies. They're often over-the-top, silly, and genuine. This film also happens to be directed by Tim Story, who directed "Barbershop", a fantastic black comedy. Though he hasn't done anything since then to warrant me being excited, he's back in his element now, and with what I can only describe as the black version of a Garry Marshall holiday-titled film. I do love most of this cast, and Kevin Hart seems to be especially on top of his game in this trailer. "Think Like a Man" may not be a great film, maybe not even good one, but this trailer makes me laugh.

Fail: The Three Stooges

I like the Farrelly Brothers ('Kingpin", "Stuck On You"), I love the Three Stooges, and I hate everything that happens in this trailer. The Stooges don't seem like a hard formula, right? Fist + Face (Heavy Object + Crotch) = instant laughs, and a good time for all. Why is this not funny? What happened to the guys who made "There's Something About Mary"? What the hell is Snuggie (or whatever her troll name is) doing in this trailer?! I get that poking her in the eyes is supposed to be funny, but it's a worse decision than putting Scrappy in the first "Scooby-Doo" movie. I don't want to see them made fun of. I want to ignore them. This looks like a real groaner, and I can't wait until I'm forced to see it, because I started a movie review blog about hating horrible films!

Extra Pass: Extras: Daniel Radcliffe as himself! Ricky Gervais is the absolute best at poking fun of celebrity, and all it encompasses.

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