Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Pass or Fail: To Rome With Rock!

This week actually saw the release of two trailers I'm more than intrigued by. Both of these trailers featured the talents of the Oscar-nominated actor, Alec Baldwin. I've been a big fan of Baldwin since I first saw "Beetlejuice", and enjoy watching him weekly as Jack Donaghy, his Emmy-winning role on NBC's "30 Rock". Let's take a look at two movies he has coming out this year.

Pass: To Rome With Love

After "Midnight in Paris", I'm excited to see whatever Woody Allen has to offer. This looks like the kind of off-beat romantic comedy he excels at, with the kind of first-rate casting he tends to work really well with. His lead, Jesse Eisenberg, usually plays the awkward Jewish character in his films, so I'm assuming he will be able to handle the "Woody Allen" role under the director's tutelage. It's also nice to see Penelope Cruz back in one of his films, because her role in "Vicky Cristina Barcelona" was as perfect for her as a Pedro Almadovar film. And... ROBERTO BENIGNI?!?! I must see this movie right now!

Fail: Rock of Ages

Seriously, what the hell? What is this garbage?! There is one thing I hate more than a bad musical, and that is a bad musical that uses other people's music, instead of their own bad music. This film has nothing in it that makes me want to see it, other than a few actors I like. The music they're using? Journey, Twisted Sister, Starship, REO Speedwagon, other corny 80's fare that I would rather not listen to in a musical format (especially with Russell Brand in it). The awful mash-ups don't help with my feeling of dread. I'm also getting tired of the 80's worship in film. Leave it alone! Just because you did a lot of coke, and enjoyed guys dressing like women while singing about "not taking it" or "kick-starting your heart", doesn't mean the decade was worthy of idolization. There is a reason "That 80's Show" didn't last longer than a season.

Extra Pass: 30 Rock: I never get tired of this scene. No matter how many times I see it.

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