Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Pass or Fail: Cold Light of Moonrise Kingdom

I did a five favorites for good ol' Bruce Willis a couple of weeks ago, and now he's given me ammunition for "Pass or Fail".

Pass: Moonrise Kingdom

Wes Anderson, you sly bastard! This is exactly what I needed, at the time that I needed it. Though I am excited for the big budget comic films, the sequels/prequels that may not be what audiences are asking for, and Pixar's rebound from "Cars 2", I need this more (minus DKR)! When I hear the name Wes Anderson, my only response is, "How much?" Take Anderson's quirky directing style, mix in some French music, throw in some regular cast members (Bill Murray, Jason Schwartzman), add some big names I can't resist (Edward Norton, Tilda Swinton), and a dash of Bruce Willis, and you have the recipe for the finest trailer I have put on this blog so far! I did not realize this was coming out when I did my must see list earlier this year, or it would have been very high on it.

Fail: The Cold Light of Day

Yawn... A thinly plotted spy film about a man whose dad is secret agent without him knowing about. The usual twists and turns, who can trust characters, and stolen mysterious item makes me want to turn off my brain, and watch something that won't be quite so convoluted. Like day-time soaps. Whoever is responsible for this mess looks like they loved Stanley Donen's "Charade", but forgot that they were in no way Stanley Donen. Also, who is Henry Cavill?! Oh, he's the guy from "The Immortals" and a direct to video "Hellraiser" sequel? Nope! No! Forget it!

Extra Pass: Moonlighting: I've been wanting to find a reason to put a "Moonlighting" on here, and here it is. From the "Taming of the Shrew" episode, entitled "Atomic Shakespeare", here is some "Good Lovin'".

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