Friday, January 16, 2015

Taken 3 (2015)

Nap "Taken"
When this blog started, it must have seemed like Liam Neeson was a god. Well, to prove that even gods make mistakes, he went ahead an signed on to make "Taken 3" (or "Tak-three-n", I guess). I realize the first two aren't exactly "The Godfather", but the first one was a hell of a lot of fun, and the second (Two-aken?) was at least passable. This installment just lays a little flat, and never manages to gain any real tension (and they kill Famke Janssen in the beginning of the movie, which sucks). Olivier Megaton shoots action sequences too fast for the audience to register what is happen, thus killing any excitement for the outcome. He also never makes the lives of our main characters really hang in the balance, so you never feel any dread for them. The only well-rounded individuals (and half decent performances) among these characters are Liam Neeson and Forest Whitaker (playing a wise detective on the hunt for Neeson). The rest of them fit into two categories: this person might as well be dead already, or you remember this person from the other films. "Blah" is about the strongest emotion I pulled from this movie.

Grade: D
3D: N/A
Easter Egg: None

Starring: Liam Neeson, Forest Whitaker, Maggie Grace
Director: Olivier Megaton
Writer(s): Luc Besson & Robert Mark Kamen
RT: 109 min
Rating: PG-13 for intense sequences of violence and action, and for brief strong language

Two Sentences:

Son of a Gun (2014): This is a fairly decent heist film that happens to fit many cliches as it chugs along. A great performance from Ewan McGregor keeps it being entirely forgettable, but, in the end, it will just be thrown on to the January heap of "that could have been worse" films.

Grade: C

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