Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The ABC's of Death (2013)

"The ABC's of Death" is a collection of short films arranged alphabetically about the many ways someone could die, all made by different directors. Ranging from the bizzare to the funny to the disturbing, it is, at times, a lot of fun. I would only highly recommend this to fans of extreme horror, however. There were times when I even found myself flinching, and I don't do that often in film. The extreme nature of some of the films is entertaining, while in a few it was just perplexing. Going through each film would be a waste if you're planning on seeing, which some of you should, so I'm going to hit on the five letters that were truly exemplary or the opposite.

The first truly awe-inspiring piece is Marcel Sarmiento's "D is for Dogfight". It is so well shot, and absolutely nerve-wracking without a single word spoken. It was possibly the highlight of the entire piece.

"F is for Fart". Noboru Iguchi directs a short about the dangers of young girls farting in public that is surreal and laugh-out-loud funny.

I found "M is for Miscarriage", by Ti West, was a entirely too short, and lazy. It unravels without a stitch of intrigue or humor.

The mockumentary short "Q is for Quack" is both funny and well made. Adam Wingard directs and stars as himself making the film, and the results are fantastic.

"W is for WTF?" is also a mess, and kind of a cop out of a film. Jon Schnepp tries to create a head-trip of short film, and crams too much dumb crap in to hold any interest.

Grade: B
3D: N/A
Easter Egg: No

Complete list of Directors/Writers/Cast:
RT: 123 min
Rating: R

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