Saturday, February 23, 2013

Spiders (2013)

Where the Wild Things Arachnid
Sometimes I find it impossible to tell if a movie is trying to be awful, or it is an earnest attempt to make a good film gone horribly awry. In the case of "Spiders" I'm going to review it as the latter and hope that it was the former. The film focuses around giant spiders from space (you read that right) attacking New York City, and the lone transit worker that must stop them. I'm going to ignore the corny special effects for this review, because they didn't really affect the outcome of the film much, but unfortunately everything else was equally as bad. Patrick Muldoon, playing the transit worker, is flat and boring, and his wife, played Christa Campbell, seems lost through half of the film. Tibor Takacs' directing is stale, and the team of writers who came up with this took every sci-fi cliche they could pack into the film, and ran with it... straight into the ground. That being said, this is the kind of bad film that is fun to watch for how bad it is. The kind that making your own MST3K track to, can be a good time.

Grade: D-
3D: No, but the 2D isn't worth it either
Easter Egg: No

Starring: William Muldoon, Christa Campbell, William Hope
Director: Tibor Takacs
Writer(s): Joseph Farrugia - Story: Tibor Takacs, Dustin Warburton
RT: 89 min
Rating: PG-13 for creature violence and disturbing images.

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