Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Pass or Fail: Sequels of Grace

Making its triumphant return is the Pass or Fail column of the blog. Today's two trailers I will be dissecting are both sequels that star Maggie Grace, who was the President's daughter in the Guy Pearce film "Lockout", earlier this year.

Pass: Taken 2

It only seems right that the first post back would feature blog favorite, Liam Neeson. This guy is amazing with a capital punch you in the throat. Now he is back, in the same year as the movie where he punched the living shit out of some wolves, with what seems to be a thinly veiled excuse to kill a whole bunch of guys. He has the task of telling of his daughter that she is going to taken, again, and as if it is becoming a routine in her every day life ("Oh, it's Thursday. ABDUCTION DAY!) she asks, "What are you going to do?" Neeson responds, "What I do best." And calmly begins to kill everyone else in the trailer, and tells the leader of the group, as if he was a parent telling their child to eat their vegetables. "You'll just have to die." I don't care if this is the worst film of the fall, Liam Neeson is going to shoot a lot of people, and that is all I need in life.

Fail: Twilight: Breaking Dawn - Part 2

If I have to explain why this is a fail, you're reading the wrong blog. There is enough horrible dialogue and acting in this trailer to fill the Sci-Fi Channel (I refuse to spell their name any other way) with original movie material until this comes out. What irks me the most about this trailer is that they call the film "epic". That word used to mean something. "Lawrence of Arabia" is epic. "Gone With the Wind" is Epic. "The Empire Strikes Back" is epic! The "Twilight" series is the kind of "epic" that gets thrown around on the internet to describe... well, anything. I'm sure this film is going to be about as "epic" as finding thirty-seven cents in loose change in the couch.

Extra Pass: The Dark Knight: Trailer #4

This is what an epic conclusion looks like, Twilight.

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