Friday, December 26, 2014

The Pyramid (2014)

I thought after "Willow Creek" that maybe my dislike for found footage films had finally subsided, and maybe someone had shown the world that they don't have to suck. I was proved so, so wrong. So wrong. "The Pyramid" starts with text explaining that the film is all footage found at the site, only to give up on the found angle half way through the film, and added more than the two established cameras. While taking a more traditional approach to the horror genre, it still spliced in the found footage. WHY?! The plot falls apart as soon as the characters get into the catacombs of the pyramid, and dialogue always feels like it was slapped together from a book of cliches that the writers found in a public library. The performances never feel involved, and most of the actors just seem bored. However, it never feels like it's bad enough to please the fan of the worst horror films in existence. This is just a forgettable dud.

Grade: D-
3D: N/A
Easter Egg: No

Starring: Ashley Hinshaw, James Buckley, Denis O'Hare
Diretor: Gregory Levasseur
Writer(s): Daniel Meersand and Nick Simon
RT: 89 min
Rating: R for some horror violence and bloody images

Two Sentences:

Are You Here (2014):  This is a very lukewarm dramedy that involves a lot of very talented people. There isn't much that is actually funny about it, and Owen Wilson is extremely unlikeable as the movie's lead.

Grade: C

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