Saturday, November 8, 2014

Nightcrawler (2014)

There are so many things to enjoy about Dan Gilroy's debut. It is shot with complete care around Los Angeles, highlighting the city's darkest corners. He has cast Jake Gyllenhaal (in the best role of his career) as his anti-hero, Lou Bloom, a loner sociopath who spends his time stealing to make a few dollars, and studying many facets of the world in order to make a place for himself. The story takes him to the career of gathering footage for stories for local news affiliates. The events that transpire in his new career become increasingly more disturbing the deeper he gets into the world around him. Gilroy's script is a sharp allegory of the shape of media in America, and a nihilisticly stark view of the current economic landscape. The more I think about this film, the more I love it!

Grade: A
3D: N/A
Easter Egg: No

Starring: Jake Gyllenhaal, Rene Russo, Bill Paxton
Director: Dan Gilroy
Writer(s): Dan Gilroy
RT: 117 min
Rating: R for violence including graphic images, and for language

Two Scentences:

The Boxtrolls - Laika Studios has created another gem of a film, and though it doesn't carry the same punch as their last two projects, it does have some genuinely beautiful moments. The story is fun, the cast is spot on, and the characters are rich and vibrant in so many ways.

Grade: B+

The Town That Dreaded Sundown - This was a silly, and mostly forgettable, quasi-remake/sequel of a film which was loosely based on actual events in a town on the Arkansas/Texas border terrorized by a killer who was never caught. It is physical proof that certain films should remain in the library of cult classics.

Grade: C-

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