Sunday, February 2, 2014

That Awkward Moment (2014)

Too much "Awkward", not enough silence
I laughed exactly three times during this dud of a romantic comedy: 1. a scene where two of the characters find a ridiculous solution for their inability to urinate properly. 2. The fact that Zac Efron's love interest's real last name is Poots (childish, yes, but I giggled while typing that). 3. A cameo, during the credits, that was so far out of the blue, that I had to laugh. With a uninspired script, some lackluster directing, and a title inspired by a really bad Facebook trend, it is hard to find many things that this film had going for it. Zac Efron puts in a decent effort, and Michael B. Jordan isn't given enough to do with the least amount of screen time, despite his story line being the best of three. Miles Teller plays the same unfunny, sarcastic motormouth that he played in "Project X" and "21 & Over", and it got old quick. Possibly, the most disappointing thing about this film is the inclusion of Director of Photography, Brandon Trost, who many may know as the director and writer of "The FP". He has done some crappy films in the past, but I feel he should be in the director's chair more often, and not shooting for garbage like this.

Grade: D
3D: N/A
Easter Egg: Some outtakes at the beginning of the credits

Starring: Zac Efron, Michael B. Jordan, Imogen Poots (hehehe... Poots...)
Director: Tom Gormican
Writer(s): Tom Gormican
RT: 94 min
Rating: R for sexual content and language throughout

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