Sunday, January 4, 2015

The Woman in Black 2: Angel of Death (2015)

Back in Black
Much like its predecessor, "The Woman in Black 2" has a lot of predictable scares, and leans heavily on many of the old horror movie tropes (there was a point when I said, "Cue old man with the cryptic message", and sure enough, he appeared). The only problem is that it doesn't capitalize on these cliches the same way the original did. It has much of the same mood and atmosphere, but relied mostly on jump scares to give the audience the creeps. There is a scene set at an airfield that starts off the film's third act that is effectively creepy, though it didn't go much further than that. However, the story is steady enough to enjoy, and the actors are likable enough to keep you invested. A solid performance from the film's lead, Phoebe Fox, anchors the film well, and it gives it a bit more heart. She helps to build a certain amount of tension when the script fails to create it properly. Overall, this isn't a terrible waste of a cold January afternoon.

Grade: C+
3D: N/A
Easter Egg: No

Starring: Phoebe Fox, Helen McCrory, Jeremy Irvine
Director: Tom Harper
Writer(s): Joe Croker - Story: Susan Hill
RT: 98 min
Rating: PG-13 for some disturbing and frightening images, and for thematic elements

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