Friday, August 15, 2014

Willow Creek (2013)

I love horror movies. I often refer to myself as a horror movie junkie, but they bigger they are, the less they scare me. What frightens me are low key films where the threats are unseen, or off in the shadows (like Merv Griffin). Films that are intimate, and focus on a small group of characters. Such is the case with Bobcat Goldthwait's "Willow Creek". It is scary. Not in the way most people want horror films to be scary: it isn't gory, it isn't loud or flashy, and it isn't full of jump scares. This film is two people in a remote area facing some real terror, and at 80 minutes, it doesn't drag on, or over stay its welcome.

Alexie Gilmore and Bryce Johnson play a couple who are on a mission to find Bigfoot (he believes in the creature, she is along for the ride). They have a great chemistry together, and they make you care about what happens to them, which is what makes it so scary. It is mostly quiet, and completely captivating. I don't know when Goldthwait started becoming one of my favorite film makers, but this is the third film of his I have seen, and have completely fallen in love with. And they are all wildly different films! He has taken my least favorite medium of cinema, "found footage", and made what has to be the best film to come out of it.

Grade: A-
3D: N/A
Easter Egg: No

Starring: Alexie Gilmore, Bryce Johnson
Director: Bobcat Goldthwait
Writer(s): Bobcat Goldthwait
RT: 80 min
Rating: R

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